like it or not racisum willl always be evident, an what happenin today it doesnt surprise me at all. Thousand of people cant get help itrs sick sick. then make fun of the situation is even more sick. bush hace alot of heart flyin to new orleans; that same flight could have been use to get people out of that place.
‘It just seems like black people are marked’
Scenes from the flooded Deep South recall the desperation of a bygone era
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Carol Guzy / The Washington Post
Bernadette Washington holds her 3-month-old daughter, Nadirah.
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By Wil Haygood
Updated: 7:57 a.m. ET Sept. 2, 2005
BATON ROUGE, La., - It seemed a desperate echo of a bygone era, a mass of desperate-looking black folk on the run in the Deep South. Some without shoes.
It was high noon Thursday at a rest stop on the edge of Baton Rouge when several buses pulled in, fresh from the calamity of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans.
Hundreds piled out, dragging themselves as if floating through some kind of thick liquid. They were exhausted, some crying.
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"It was like going to hell and back," said Bernadette Washington, 38, a black homemaker from Orleans Parish who had slept under a bridge the night before with her five children and her husband. She sighed the familiar refrain, stinging as an old-time blues note: "All I have is the clothes on my back. And I been sleeping in them for three days."
While hundreds of thousands of people have been dislocated by Hurricane Katrina, the images that have filled the television screens have been mainly of black Americans — grieving, suffering, in some cases looting and desperately trying to leave New Orleans. Along with the intimate tales of family drama and survival being played out Thursday, there was no escaping that race had become a subtext to the unfolding drama of the hurricane's aftermath.
"To me," said Bernadette Washington, "it just seems like black people are marked. We have so many troubles and problems."
"After this," her husband, Brian Thomas, said, "I want to move my family to California."
He was holding his 2-year-old, Qadriyyah, in his left arm. On Thomas's right hand was a crude bandage. He had pushed the hand through a bedroom window on the night of the hurricane to get to one of his children.
"He had meat hanging off his hand," his wife said. They live — lived — on Bunker Hill Road in Orleans Parish, a mostly black section of New Orleans.
Time was running out
When the hurricane hit, Thomas, a truck driver, said he came home from work, looked at every one of the people he loves, and stood in the middle of the living room. Thinking. He's the Socrates in the family — but time was running out.
"I only got a five-passenger car," he said.
"Chevy Cavalier," said his wife.
"And," Thomas continued, "I stood there, thinking. I said, 'Okay, it's 50-50 if the water will get through.' "
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</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Within hours the water rose, and it kept rising.
"But then I said, 'If we do take the car, some of us would be sitting on one another's laps.' And the state troopers were talking about making arrests."
Instead, he pushed the kids out a window. They scooted to the roof, some pulling themselves up with an extension cord.
"The rain was pouring down so hard," Washington said. "And we had a 3-month-old and a 2-year-old."
The 3-month-old, Nadirah, was sleeping in her mother's arms. "All I had was water to give her," said Washington, her voice breaking, her other children sitting on the concrete putting talcum power inside their soaked sneakers. "She's premature," she went on, about the 3-month-old. "She came May 22. Was supposed to be here July 11. I had her early because I have high blood pressure. Had to have her by C-section."
Bernadette Washington was suddenly worried about her blood pressure medicine. She reached inside her purse. "Look," she said. "All the pills are stuck together."
Both parents had been thinking about the hurricane, the aftermath, the looting, the politicians who might come to Louisiana and who might not. And their own holding-on lives, now jangly like bedsprings suddenly snapped.
"It says there'll come a time you can't hide. I'm talking about people. From each other," Bernadette Washington said.
<SCRIPT> function nextStory(){ var sStoryArray = "9166531^Planning, response to Katrina faulted|9166350^Katrina's racial dimension|9166351^Displacement of historic proportions|9150429^New Orleans faces bleak future|9150422^WP: Disaster overwhelms rescuers|9150430^Harried escape for New Orleans residents|9160668^Scammers hit Web in Katrina's wake|9137396^Charities, U.S. military mobilize to help|9137355^Disease outbreaks considered unlikely|9137364^Bush’s approval rating falls to new low|"; if(sStoryArray.charAt(sStoryArray.length)=="|"){ sStoryArray = sStoryArray.substr(0,sStoryArray.length-1); } var aStoryArray = sStoryArray.split("|"); if (curDoc != '' && sStoryArray.indexOf(curDoc)>-1){ curDom = document.getElementById(curDoc); = '#dddddd'; curDomIH = curDom.innerHTML; curDom.innerHTML = curDomIH.substr(0,52) + '/images/arrowCurrentStory.gif' + curDomIH.substr(52,curDomIH.length); for (i = 0; i < aStoryArray.length; i++) { var aCurStory = aStoryArray
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